Wow!! Just Wow! What I received was such an amazing gift. Madelon is a wonderfully gentle and patient facilitator. I was blown away at how simple the process was and how deep it reached in just one session. I had had a desire to paint for some time now but hadn’t, as I struggled to figure out how to express, well anything on to the paper/canvas etc. Let alone being able to produce something as detailed as what came out of our session. I have been consciously working on myself for a number of years now and had recently been faced with a longing that I hadn’t yet figured out how to resolve. What to do with that hurt of missing something that I was longing for, something I know I could no longer ask to receive from outside of myself. What to do with that pain. In the session with Madelon we were able to see more clearly what the pain was connected to and I witnessed that hurt and longing transform into the medicine that I needed. And with the guidance of Madelon, I really understand now, HOW I can give what I missed to myself. I understood it before more conceptually I guess but this time it really landed. I KNEW it, in my heart and all the cells of my being. The session gave me an opportunity to really experience what that felt like. When I gaze at the artwork I created in the session, I feel joyous and quite proud, and the little me cannot wait to get the chance to make some more. I am truly grateful to Madelon for this beautifully guided gift and would recommend it to anyone who wishes to transform anything they have been carrying in a fun, light and deeply connected way.

Wat een spannende ontdekkingsreis, de workshop Paint your Pain. Want: wat voor pijn zou ik nog tegenkomen op deze reis? En wat ga ik daar vervolgens mee doen? Onder de deskundige begeleiding van Madelon kon ik toch duidelijk een fysieke pijn waarnemen die scherp aanvoelde. “Maak hem zachter” zei ze toen. De gekartelde randjes transformeerden voor mijn geestesoog in zachte rondingen…En vervolgens mocht ik die nieuwe vorm die ik in gedachten had op het doek neerzetten..Prachtige ervaring die ik nog dagelijks meeneem als een reminder aan mijn eigen innerlijke kracht en mogelijkheden. Dankjewel!